Welcome to the St. Louis Camera Club


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2024 Image of the Year Competition Winners

Congratulations to everyone who submitted images for this year's competitions. Below are the first place winners from the 2024 Image of the Year competition. Click here to view all the awards given for 2024 Image of the Year.

After The Rain - Fred Emch
(Color Print)

Reading Shakespear - Cindy Lynch
(Monochrome Print)

3 cheetahs and 1 annoying baboon - Barbie Steps

Foggy morning in Yellowstone - Valerie Snyder
(Open Digital)

Takedown at the Women's Open - Paul Smith

Greenland at night - Valerie Snyder


Competition Scores Now Available (Updated April 12, 2024)

The Year to Date and Lifetime to Date Points PDF documents have been updated as of April 12, 2024. Please visit the competitions page to check your scores. 


Joining the Camera Club

Joining the club is a two-part process. Visit this page to begin. After registering for the site, you will be presented a PayPal page to submit payment for your dues. You may also access this via the About Us menu on the website's navigation.

Please Visit Our Sponsors

St Louis Camera Club is supported by the following businesses and organizations:

PSA Logo
Member Organization

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